Station MN-CY-1 (CoCoRaHS) KMNMOORH1 (Wunderground)
Data for Moorhead, MN 56560
Keith, Observer - Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus/w AC Fan
Season Fwd 23.5 31.39 14.9 T 36 2009 533
Obs Time midnight(CST)...Normals Fargo WSO 1981-2010 Hail/Snow HDD July-Jun…....CDD Jan-Dec
Date Max Min Obs Avrg N Hi N Lw Norm Deprt Pre Fell Depth 7am 4" Gr  Temp HDD CDD ET Description Of Weather
1 23.5 9.6 14.5 17.0 27.9 11.6 19.7 -3 0.18 1.9 9 36 48 0 0.008 Snow ending early am.Clearing aftn. Falling temps
2 23.2 6.0 23.2 15.0 27.4 11.1 19.3 -4 0.00 0.0 9 35 50 0 0.007 Clear am becoming cldy late morning. Rising temp pm
3 36.1 13.0 32.6 25.0 26.9 10.7 18.8 6 0.00 0.0 8 35 40 0 0.027 Clear not as cold this morning. Nice winter aftn. 
4 35.3 20.2 24.0 28.0 26.4 10.2 18.3 10 0.00 0.0 7 36 37 0 0.021 Fair and cont mild for this time of the year. 
5 31.9 17.7 20.7 25.0 25.9 9.7 17.8 7 0.00 0.0 7 36 40 0 0.011 Fair to Pc..Some clearing pm fall temperatures
6 24.9 8.3 24.2 17.0 25.5 9.3 17.4 0 Trace Trace 7 35 48 0 0.010 Fair cold am becoming cldy late aftn. Graupel. 
7 33.1 21.6 30.8 27.0 25.0 8.9 16.9 10 0.00 0.0 7 35 38 0 0.018 Cloudy  and warmer but windy from the S.
8 30.8 8.1 8.2 19.0 24.6 8.4 16.5 3 0.16 1.6 6 35 46 0 0.008 Falling temps..Snow evening cont obs time10pm
9 8.2 -7.4 0.3 0.0 24.2 8.0 16.1 -16 0.04 0.6 8 35 65 0 0.005 Sn endng early am. Sunny aftn.Falling temps
10 1.8 -12.6 -8.2 -5.0 23.8 7.6 15.7 -21 0.00 0.0 8 33 70 0 0.005 Mostly cloudy and cold. 
11 3.6 -12.7 3.5 -4.0 23.5 7.2 15.3 -19 0.02 0.3 8 30 69 0 0.005 Clear bitterly cold. Snow starting 7:30pm
12 10.3 3.5 10.3 7.0 23.1 6.9 15.0 -8 0.05 0.5 8 30 58 0 0.007 Snow am.Cldy rest of the day. Lgt NE winds. 
13 17.3 5.7 5.8 12.0 22.7 6.5 14.6 -3 0.14 1.6 9 30 53 0 0.008 Snow off and on most of the day.
14 5.9 -10.0 -9.0 -2.0 22.4 6.1 14.3 -16 0.00 0.0 9 30 67 0 0.004 Fair with steady to falling temps.
15 21.8 -9.4 21.5 6.0 22.1 5.8 13.9 -8 Trace Trace 8 28 59 0 0.006 Light flurries ending by noon. Warmer S-17
16 24.5 6.3 24.3 15.0 21.8 5.5 13.6 1 0.00 0.0 8 29 50 0 0.009 Sunny morning becoming cloudy aftn. Warmer. W -16
17 25.0 -9.3 -9.3 8.0 21.5 5.2 13.3 -5 0.00 0.0 8 30 57 0 0.009 Max at 12:45..Falling temps during the day.
18 12.3 -9.5 9.0 1.0 21.2 4.9 13.0 -12 0.00 0.0 8 27 64 0 0.010 Rising temps all night/day. 
19 17.7 4.8 13.5 11.0 20.9 4.6 12.7 -2 0.00 0.0 8 27 54 0 0.007 Pc little warmer.Rising temps PM.N winds 12
20 20.7 11.9 15.6 16.0 20.7 4.3 12.5 4 0.00 0.0 8 28 49 0 0.005 Cldy mild morning. Frz Fog pm 
21 30.3 14.7 22.4 23.0 20.4 4.0 12.2 11 0.00 0.0 8 29 42 0 0.012 Frz Fog 1am. Pc aftn warmer..Nice winter day.
22 33.7 21.0 26.7 27.0 20.2 3.7 12.0 15 0.00 0.0 7 29 38 0 0.014 Cldy am. Pc afternoon and cont mild. 
23 26.9 14.9 19.6 21.0 20.0 3.5 11.7 9 0.00 0.0 7 30 44 0 0.010 Cloudy little cooler
24 22.2 18.8 20.9 21.0 19.8 3.2 11.5 10 Trace Trace 6 30 44 0 0.005 Fog dense at time during the day. Tr of snow
25 25.0 20.7 22.1 23.0 19.6 3.0 11.3 12 Trace Trace 6 31 42 0 0.005 Fog , Ice covered sidewalks. Snow 10:30pm
26 26.9 19.6 26.8 23.0 19.4 2.7 11.1 12 0.16 1.9 8 31 42 0 0.010 Snow early am. Just cloudy and fog aftn. 
27 26.9 10.2 14.4 19.0 19.2 2.5 10.9 8 0.00 0.0 8 29 46 0 0.010 Clear this morning. High clouds aftn. Light winds.
28 32.4 13.5 32.2 23.0 19.0 2.3 10.7 12 0.41 4.8 7 28 42 0 0.003 Snow all day. Light NNE winds
29 32.7 17.3 17.3 25.0 18.9 2.1 10.5 15 0.67 6.8 13 31 40 0 0.006 Blizzard all day. Heavy snow. Falling temps.
30 18.5 13.7 16.0 16.0 18.7 1.9 10.3 6 Trace Trace 17 31 49 0 0.005 Flurries am/pm. Storm total 11.6
31 17.3 4.1 9.6 11.0 18.6 1.7 10.1 1 0.00 0.0 17 30 54 0 0.009 Sunny, average temps for this date. Light NW Winds
Monthly Summary
  Max Min   Avrg     Norm Deprt Pre Ha/Sn Grnd   HDD CDD Days Recap
Total 700.7 234.3                         0.28 Cold spell from 9th thru the 19th then warming
                                trend from 20th to end of the year. Main 
Avrg 22.6 7.6   15.1     14.1 1.0         50 0 0.01 snowfall event was a blizzard on the 28th-29th
High 36.1 21.6           Total 1.83 20.0     1545 0   in which 11.6 of snow fell. We ended up with just
Low 1.8 -12.7           Norm 0.83 11.2           a little above normal for temperatures but way 
                Deprt 1.00 8.8           above on snowfall. For the year we were 147.1%
                % Nrm 220.5% 178.6%           above normal for liquid amount. 
Yearly Summery  (Snowfall July to June)
                Total 33.22 34.9     3554 533    
                Norm 22.58 19.8            
                Deprt 10.64 15.1            
                %Nrm 147.1% 176.3%