Station MN-CY-1 (CoCoRaHS) KMNMOORH1 (Wunderground)
Data for Moorhead, MN 56560
Keith, Observer - Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus/w AC Fan
Season Fwd 37.6 30.45 5.5 0.0 39 902 533
Obs Time midnight(CST)...Normals Fargo WSO 1981-2010 Hail/Snow HDD July-JunÉ....CDD Jan-Dec
Date Max Min Obs Avrg N Hi N Lw Norm Deprt Pre Fell Depth 7am 4" Gr  Temp HDD CDD ET Description Of Weather
1 40.5 31.1 31.1 36.0 46.8 28.4 37.6 -2 Trace Trace 0.0 41 29 0 0.037 Light flurries 5:30 pm and 8pm. All melted
2 37.5 29.0 29.0 33.0 46.2 27.9 37.0 -4 Trace 0.2 T 42 32 0 0.015 Snow early am..Cloudy aftn light winds.
3 39.9 28.6 35.2 34.0 45.5 27.4 36.4 -2 Trace 0.0 0.0 42 31 0 0.019 Cloudy with drizzle around noon.
4 35.3 20.0 20.0 28.0 44.9 26.8 35.8 -8 0.01 Trace T 42 37 0 0.020 Light snow 3-5am. Grauple/Sn 2pm Cold day. 
5 28.5 14.4 25.1 21.0 44.2 26.3 35.3 -14 0.00 0.0 0.0 39 44 0 0.019 Clear and cold morning. Pc afternoon. 
6 25.8 16.5 17.8 21.0 43.5 25.8 34.6 -14 Trace Trace 0.0 37 44 0 0.026 Light snow 3-4am, 8pm..Another cold afternoon. 
7 24.9 8.8 18.2 17.0 42.9 25.2 34.0 -17 0.00 0.0 0.0 36 48 0 0.016 Cold but sunny day. 
8 33.9 17.2 27.4 26.0 42.2 24.7 33.4 -7 0.00 0.0 0.0 35 39 0 0.025 Pc and warmer. S winds 21mph
9 32.0 21.1 21.1 27.0 41.5 24.1 32.8 -6 0.07 0.6 0.0 36 38 0 0.013 Snow afternoon causing icy roads and driveways.
10 21.1 11.0 11.4 16.0 40.8 23.5 32.2 -16 0.02 0.5 T 35 49 0 0.014 Light snow mid morning-aftn. Flurries pm
11 13.0 1.3 1.4 7.0 40.1 23.0 31.6 -25 0.01 0.4 1.0 35 58 0 0.011 Snow early am..Fair and cold afternoon. 
12 21.6 -2.8 20.9 9.0 39.5 22.4 30.9 -22 0.00 0.0 1.0 33 56 0 0.025 Cloudy, cold, and windy S 36 mph
13 27.0 13.6 13.6 20.0 38.8 21.8 30.3 -10 0.03 0.3 1.0 34 45 0 0.016 Snow early am. Pc afternoon. Little warmer. 
14 44.0 8.3 31.1 26.0 38.1 21.2 29.7 -4 0.00 0.0 1.0 33 39 0 0.017 Cold this morning. Pc and a mild aftn. 
15 36.9 29.2 34.4 33.0 37.5 20.6 29.0 4 0.00 0.0 0.0 33 32 0 0.030 Cloudy and cooler. 
16 45.7 34.4 38.6 40.0 36.8 20.0 28.4 12 0.00 0.0 0.0 33 25 0 0.037 Cloudy and warmer, nice Nov day.
17 38.6 30.2 31.6 34.0 36.1 19.4 27.8 6 0.00 0.0 0.0 34 31 0 0.015 Cldy..Max @ mid..temps remained around 32 all day. 
18 41.5 31.5 39.0 37.0 35.5 18.9 26.6 10 0.03 0.0 0.0 35 28 0 0.017 Mild am.Light rain 6:20pm. 
19 43.6 35.5 36.3 40.0 34.8 18.3 25.9 14 0.00 0.0 0.0 35 25 0 0.021 Cloudy all day with light NW winds. Warmer.
20 41.9 32.6 32.6 37.0 34.2 17.7 25.3 12 0.02 Trace 0.0 35 28 0 0.015 Cloudy..Rain mixed with snow pm..Sn melted.
21 32.6 13.4 13.7 23.0 33.6 17.1 24.7 -2 Trace Trace 0.0 35 42 0 0.009 Lgt flurries off and on most of the day. 
22 40.7 13.7 27.5 27.0 32.9 16.5 24.1 3 0.00 0.0 0.0 35 38 0 0.031 Sunny and warmer. SSW winds. 
23 43.4 26.9 40.3 35.0 32.3 16.0 23.6 11 0.00 0.0 0.0 36 30 0 0.033 Fair and cont mild for this time of the year. 
24 46.3 31.2 42.0 39.0 31.7 15.4 23.0 16 0.00 0.0 0.0 36 26 0 0.034 Pc and warmer..SW winds 10-15
25 43.1 32.4 32.5 38.0 31.1 14.8 22.4 16 0.07 Trace 0.0 35 27 0 0.023 Mostly cldy-Rain/Snow with LCT  Westerly winds 24
26 32.7 30.2 30.2 31.0 30.6 14.3 21.9 9 0.00 0.0 0.0 36 34 0 0.013 Cloudy..Much cooler..Sn Storms Mps/St Pau.
27 30.3 23.8 24.0 27.0 30.0 13.7 21.3 6 0.00 0.0 0.0 37 38 0 0.016 Cloudy LCT. 
28 25.6 21.8 25.6 24.0 29.4 13.2 20.8 3 Trace Trace 0.0 36 41 0 0.008 Cloudy, Graupal around 5pm
29 31.7 25.5 31.2 29.0 28.9 12.7 20.3 9 Trace Trace 0.0 36 36 0 0.011 Cloudy with light snow 7pm. None at obs time
30 31.7 23.5 23.5 28.0 28.9 12.1 20.5 8 0.68 7.4 T 36 37 0 0.006 Snow.. Windy. Vis 1/4-1/2 miles.
31         -          
Monthly Summary
  Max Min   Avrg     Norm Deprt Pre Ha/Sn Grnd   HDD CDD Days Recap
Total 1031.3 653.9                         0.59 November started out to be very cold with much 
                                below normal temperatures. 2nd half of the month
Avrg 34.4 21.8   28.1     28.6 -0.5         37 0 0.02 we had above normal temperatures but still ended 
High 46.3 35.5           Total 0.94 9.4     1107 0   up with little below the norm. Overall Nov was dry
Low 13.0 -2.8           Norm 1.00 7.9           except for the last day of the month when we had
                Deprt -0.06 1.5           a snow storm pass thru. We were just a little below
                % Nrm 94.0% 119.0%           normal liquid but above normal on snowfall. 
Yearly Summery  (Snowfall July to June)
                Total 31.39 14.9     2009 533    
                Norm 21.75 8.6            
                Deprt 9.64 6.3            
                %Nrm 144.3% 173.3%